翻译一句话"你知道吗 最近菲尔普斯陷入吸毒门事件"

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 18:24:58
谢绝机器翻译 "你知道吗 最近菲尔普斯陷入吸毒门事件,国际咏联怀疑他吸食大麻,如果是真的,他将面临4年的禁赛,这对于运动员生涯来讲是简直就是致命打击"

Did you know into the recent drug scandal Phelps, the International Wing Alliance suspected him of smoking marijuana, if it is true, he will face a 4-year ban, which in terms of athletes career is simply a fatal blow "

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